All children – regardless of their race, gender, or national origin – deserve a chance to fulfill their potential and thrive. Join us on February 6 as Every Texan and Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. celebrate the release of the 2024 Kids Count Data Book with a panel discussion on how these new data can inform policy and improve the well-being of Texas children.
Every Texan has proudly partnered with Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., to publish this state data book for several years. In this year's report, we deepen our analysis of health disparities, child poverty, and educational gaps. Children of color and kids living in low-income households are still at a significant disadvantage in Texas. Our findings underscore the urgent need for policy solutions to close these gaps and ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed.
This expert panel will discuss practical solutions to help more Texas kids access health insurance, make sure all kids feel safe and supported in schools and in their communities, ensure more kids have the educational resources they need, and provide children pathways out of poverty by funding and expanding programs proven to uplift working families.
In 2025, Texas legislators have another opportunity to make pivotal investments in the future of Texas. The choices made this year will determine whether or not Texas children have access to safe housing, nutritious food, quality education, and the economic security they need to thrive. Reserve your spot today and be part of this important conversation!
When: February 6, 9 - 11:30 AM CT
Where: San Antonio Food Bank, Valero Room
Moderated by Stephen Simpson, The Texas Tribune.